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Rainbow Dress-Up Storytime - Wellington City Libraries

  • Te Māhanga Karori Library 247 Karori Road Wellington, Wellington, 6012 New Zealand (map)
Rainbow dress-up story time promo image with a rainbow background and WCC logos

Celebrate Wellington Pride at the library with a very special storytime!

Join us for stories and songs about being kind, inclusive, and expressing yourself however you choose. Through stories and play, children learn how to express themselves and understand the world around them.

Dress up in your favourite outfit and bring the whole whānau.

For tamariki of all ages with their caregivers.

Nau mai rā tātou katoa | Everybody is welcome.


  • All Wellington City Libraries events are free.

  • Flat wheelchair access to enter the library.

  • Lift access to first floor of the library.

  • No public toilets in the library, but there are public accessible toilets in the square by the library entrance.

  • There are four mobility parks in the Karori Recreation Centre Carpark, next to the library.

  • The number 2 bus route stops directly outside the library.

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